It really was a great day. Rocky went out to go potty 4 times. The most since his first day when he couldn’t sleep. He has even wanted to play a little when he is laying down on his bed. Occasionally he will get up to get a drink, but more frequently than not he wants to have us bring the water to him. Little spoiled I guess.
We are still tweaking his meds. The Tramadol is causing to be a little neurotic so the vet asked we cut it down to 50mg 3 times a day. That has helped but don’t think his pain is as well controlled. The vet offered to put the fentanyl patch back on. Any thoughts?
Only other issues is lack of sleep at night. This the reason I am writing this at 2:30am. Oh well. I can nap with him tomorrow.
You would not be the only dog with a second patch. If he had is having problems on Tramadol, and you feel his pain is not well controlled, then I don’t see any issues (but am not a vet ☺️). Glad he is moving a bit more, but rest is still the best thing for him, so keep delivering the water if that is what it takes. Most dogs perk up a lot when the staples come out, about day 10 or so, so just hang in there. You are getting near the end of the worst part of this!