Rocky was the happiest boy this am. We visited Petco and he got see his favorite girlfriend. He got treats and lots of attention from everybody. He wasn’t just waging his tail, it was going in circles. I think it did everyone good to get out and about. Even the mice cooperated by being awake and playing. He loves to watch them. Next week will see Santa, always a fun time.
Author: rsdtlc
Getting Back in the Groove
Day by day Rocky is getting back to his old self. He loves getting out and about. He is sleeping better at night. His pain is getting better everyday. Still on some Tramadol, but not on a set schedule. Once in a while Rocky forgets that he is a tripaw. He catches himself just before he falls. We got his harness today and got it fitted. I love it and it will a big help with winter weather coming soon. We are looking forward to a trip to Petco soon. Rocky loves going there and knows all the employees.
Staples out.
Rocky did not really want to get loaded in the SUV today and he really did not want to go for a ride. But when we got to MedVet,he dragged me in. He was nervous while waiting, but when his favorite tech came out he was just happy. He willingly ran off with her to the treatment area. Rocky is a social butterfly with all people and other animals. His tail kept wagging while all the staples were taken out. He showed off for the surgeon and hopped all over the place. Dr Dudley is very happy with his progress and released him to slowly resume all activities. We did get a preliminary path report. It say the tumor appears to be a rhabdomyosarcoma that eroded into his femur and caused the fracture . If that is true Rocky will probably not need chemo. That would be the best news. We have an appointment for an evaluation by the therapist in a couple of weeks. I am looking forward to that appointment.
Awesome Day
12 days post amputation and we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Rocky willing got up and went out several times today. It was a nice 50degrees today so we sat out for a while. Rocky loved that. Several of the neighbors stopped by to see him, including 2 of his favorite fur buddies. He did great and even restrained his enthusiasm when he saw everybody. It lifted my spirits seeing the old Rocky again. I finally feel that we did the right thing.