Rocky Pooped

YAY!!!!! After a very long, disheartening 24 hours, Rocky got up by himself ran out the door peeded and then pooped 3 times. He did not yelp a single time. I am so proud of my big boy. I know he still has a long way to go but I am so happy right now. I was seriously doubting my decisions. A prayer has been answered. Thank you everyone for your support.

Ups and downs

Today has been an up and down day. Rocky didn’t sleep much last night. No real signs of pain. I think he slept too much yesterday. Also he probably had to pee but did not want to go out. We got up and he went out. Small episode of yelping while out. I put a little pressure over the amputation site and he recovered well. He even stood to eat breakfast. That was a first. He has gotten up a few time and had two more episodes of yelping. The pressure trick helped but went right back to his bed. We are now waiting him out to get him to potty again. He is passing gas but no poop yet. Meds changed a bit. Fentanyl patch was due to come off. I spoke with the surgeon and we added amantadine. Hopefully that will help with the yelping. He did stand to eat part of his diner tonight. So, all in all, not a bad day. We just want the pain gone but that may take a while given two surgeries in 3 weeks.

Problems getting Rocky up

MRocky has slept well for the last 24 hours. Almost think he has slept too much. We are having a hard time getting him up. He hates the sling because it put pressure where he is bruised. He can get up on his own but now is yelping when he tries to get up and just plops back down. We have only been able to get him out twice today. His pain is well controlled today. Not sure if anyone else has run into this. He had surgery on Nov 15th. Also he has always laid on his left side, but that is his surgery side don’t know if he should be laying on his staples. Any suggestions?


Rocky had a wonderful night. Slept right thru without the whimpering or whines of the night before.  He woke up happy and had breakfast and back to sleep. I think he is making up for being awake for 24 straight hours. Next task is getting him to poop. He wants to just can’t figure out how. We will see if he is more comfortable trying today. Thank you to everyone who has posted to this blog. The support is wonderful and makes me feel more confident about my choices and the future